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Brian Tooley

BTR LS7 Lifters

BTR LS7 Lifters

Regular price $210.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $210.00 USD
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DELPHI LS7 HYDRAULIC ROLLER LIFTERS Full set of Delphi hydraulic roller lifters, also known as LS7 lifters. These will also work in SBC and LT1 applications that originally came with hydraulic roller lifters. NO WARRANTY! BTR Delphi LS7 lifter cleaning procedure When receiving your new LS7 lifters we recommend removing them from the packaging and checking for any obvious signs of damage to the lifter body or wheels. The lifters should then be washed in either an automotive solvent tank or with mineral spirits to help remove the stiff packing grease used during lifter assembly. We then recommend you check rollers for any binding or roughness before soaking. Afterwards, we recommend using the supplied BTR lifter packaging to soak them in oil to help lubricate the axle bearings and lifter internals. WE ALWAYS RECOMMEND THE USE OF NEW, FACTORY TYPE LIFTER TRAYS WHEN INSTALLING NEW LIFTERS!
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